
Lasthenia californica

Lasthenia californica is considered a cryptic species in relation to Lasthenia gracilis. almost identical morphologies.
Kate Kosushkina is light and white. serious.



my favorite dinosaur is the archaeopteryx. considered the first bird, it was only the size of a pigeon.
i love seeking the unceasing parallels between biology and fashion.

(c: garbage dress)



Haruki Murakami is one of my favorite authors.
a very brilliant blogger came up with the idea to pair Sartorialist pictures to John Gall's illustrations for Murakami's books. i wish i thought of that.

some of my favorite Sartorialist shots too.
wouldja fancy that?...



doesn't that top picture look like a pile of stacked shirts? IT'S DOUGH. so cool.
i'm eventually going to eat here.

(c: the selby)


the archivist

i'm not too big on jewelry, nor too keen on key necklaces, but it's the combination that counts.
and i want that silver-plated geode.
in the life of jasmine, there have recently been many applications, pulling unwanted plants, a massage, sushi, and rain.

(c: yvan rodic, damien hirst)



1. i want those woven shoes
2. graduation cords as belts
3. the COLORS (mustard is not dead). perfect spring
4. i have two things in the milk crate in front of me, that could definitely be from this collection (i'm lookin at you, melony blush cable knit cardigan and pink-and-orange floral button-down)

alright, i know i'm late on the fashion shows boat.  it's ok.

(c: chris benz s/s 2011)


sweet basil

garlic clove, basil leaf, cilantro, maple seed pod.
i want one of these for valentine's day.
i'm a freak.

(c: Hightower Botanicals)



baltic sea, sao paulo, barcelona. i want to go.
i think i did well on my physics midterm.



This is just to say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

-William Carlos Williams

(c: alexi worth)



incredible. nicole dextras is an artist from vancouver.  this body of work called "emphemeral art" centers on the idea of impermanence.  the clothing is suspended in thick sheets of ice, frozen for only a short period of time. the organic pieces will melt, break apart, and biodegrade into the earth. these photographs are the literal "freeze frames" of each piece of art, the only evidence that it ever existed.


pull my hair

$\displaystyle\vec{a}_{c}^{}$ = $\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta t\to 0}^{}$$\displaystyle{\Delta \vec{v}_t \over \Delta t}$

hair-centric lately. i guess it comes with the territory...
and the circles too.
circular motion and centripetal acceleration are one of the most frustrating things. i like physics, but this is just too damn difficult.


blood red moon

picture me under a blood red moon. i'll make your eyes turn yellow, make your skin turn blue.

follow me on bloglovin

(c: flickr)